Philippine Navy Set Up Integrated Communication System

Di langsir dari blog BETHOROKOLO. Blog klecam-klecem ini memberikan informasi tentang Kabar Militer Indonesia, Update Info Militer Dunia dan Indonesia, Alutsista Militer, Alutsista Negara Indonesia, Alutsista TNI. Kali ini mengupdate artikel tentang Philippine Navy Set Up Integrated Communication System.

25 Maret 2011
Philippine Navy ships (photo : timawa)

The Philippine Navy has partnered with the country’s largest telecommunications company to set up an integrated communications system that will link the country’s naval forces.

The Philippine Navy is now using Philippine Long Distance Company’s Internet Protocol – Virtual Private Network (IP VPN) backbone for video conferencing, data and voice transmissions of its six naval groups stationed in different parts of the archipelago.

IP VPN is delivered using PLDT’s IP network infrastructure to provide a secure network that is more cost-efficient compared to traditional solutions.

“We hope to be one Navy with one network, for better service to our country,” said Lieutenant-Commander Marcos Y. Imperio, Commander of the Naval Communications Electronics and Information Systems Centre.

He added that with this system, naval forces will be able to transmit real-time information from the Flag Officer in Command down to the Naval Forces Commanders and troops.

Navy Acting spokesperson Lt Salvador Sambalilo told FutureGov Asia Pacific Magazine that it is a basic requirement for the Philippine Navy to interconnect all naval forces all over the country.

He adds naval troops must be able to communicate across the 7,107 islands of the country.

“The problem with the old system is that it only has limited bandwidth and with the increasing traffic problems in communication, we have to look for solution,” he said.

“So far, this integrated communications system is effective and has met all our requirements,” Sambalilo adds.

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