Giraffes CRAM Replace Piranhas

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31 Agustus 2012

The Swedish designed Australian owned radar system and transporter is designated as the Giraffe Full Operational Capability (FOC) System. (photo : Aus DoD)

Piranhas are being replaced by Giraffes in Tarin Kot Afghanistan – not as in a variety of fauna but in the form of serious life-saving hardware.

Leased from Sweden, the Piranha 740 is the name given to the distinctive Counter Rocket Artillery and Mortar (CRAM) system radar and vehicle that has been providing a reliable indirect fire warning to Multi National Base – Tarin Kot since December 2010.

The incoming Swedish-designed, Australian-owned radar system and transporter that landed this week, is designated as the Giraffe Full Operational Capability System.

With two Giraffes replacing the old system, Senior CRAM Watch Keeper, Captain David Petersen, said the safety on the base will be further improved.

Leased from Sweden, "Piranha 740" is the name given to the Counter Rocket Artillery & Mortar (CRAM) system radar and vehicle that has been providing a reliable indirect fire warning to Multi National Base – Tarin Kot since December 2010. (photo : Aus DoD)

“The system will provide far greater airspace management, sense, warn and locate capabilities,” Captain Petersen said.

The arrival of the Giraffe radars is the last stage of the LAND 19 phase 7A acquisition project. The Giraffe radars are a Swedish made system that is considered one of the best radars in the world for the detection of rocket artillery and mortars.

Bombardier Jordan Haskins who managed the every day functioning of the old system will now oversee its redeployment.

“It was very reliable considering it was radar designed for the arctic environment now operating in desert conditions – preventative maintenance and TLC was the key to its dependability,” Bombardier Haskins said.

“With two systems in place we will have complimentary coverage – it adds to increased safety for all personnel on the ground.”

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