The First of the Six Submarines for Vietnamese Navy was Launched in St. Petersburg

Di langsir dari blog BETHOROKOLO. Blog klecam-klecem ini memberikan informasi tentang Kabar Militer Indonesia, Update Info Militer Dunia dan Indonesia, Alutsista Militer, Alutsista Negara Indonesia, Alutsista TNI. Kali ini mengupdate artikel tentang The First of the Six Submarines for Vietnamese Navy was Launched in St. Petersburg.

28 Agustus 2012

Vietnam has ordered six Kilo 636 submarines to Russia (photo : RIA Novosti)

S.-PETERBURG/MOSKVA (RIA Novosti) -  JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" in St. Petersburg on Tuesday launched the diesel-electric submarine of Project 636 "Kilo" for a foreign client, told RIA Novosti the shipyard.

According to RIA Novosti source in the military-industrial complex, it is the first of six ordered Vietnam diesel-electric submarines of Project 636.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, in December 2009, said it has signed a contract for the delivery of six Russian submarines of project 636 in the amount of about $ 2 billion.

"The first submarine under the contract launchs on Tuesday, after which the cycle begins her test," - said the source.

He also said that by the end of 2012, the first submarine will be handed over to the customer.

Completion of the contract will be completed by 2016.

Project 636 submarines have total displacement 3,100 tons, speed 20 knots, diving depth of 300 meters, the crew of 52 people. On its armed with torpedoes 533 millimeters (six units), mines, missile strike "Caliber" (NATO : SS-N-27 Sizzler).

JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" - the oldest shipyard in Russia, founded by 5 November 1704. The company specializes in the design, production and modernization of the civil fleet of ships, as well as the construction of ships for military use. At present capacity of the plant is fully loaded. In construction, in particular, there are two series of six submarines: Project 636 for foreign navies and the project 636.3 for the Russian Navy also complete repair of the submarine of the fourth generation Project 677 ("Lada").

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